Access Transportation

General Information

  • Access Transportation Services (ATS) are the transportation services connected with Medical Assistance in Kanabec County – Health Care Coverage for Families. ATS makes it possible for those who don’t have transportation, due to a physical or mental impairment, or an economic disadvantage, to receive the health care they need. This transportation is provided through our Common Carrier Service or Access Transportation program.
  • Access Transportation provides rides to medical appointments, therapy and counseling as well as dental appointments. MN Department of Human Services has implemented new guidelines regarding these rides. Eligibility criteria have changed and pre-authorization may be required. Talk with our dispatchers and workers at the county Family Services office regarding the details.
  • Planning well in advance is very important; Kanabec County-Timber Trails Public Transit may not be able to provide rides that are not authorized. Rides that are requested early receive priority in placement. We understand things can happen unexpectedly and we will do our best to provide rides on short notice when necessary.

Rider Guidelines

  •  Make ride requests as early as possible by calling locally at 320-364-6030. Three (3) day advance notice recommended.
  • Please be ready 15 minutes before and after the scheduled pickup time and in sight of the driver. The driver cannot wait more than fifteen minutes for riders to appear or go in search of the scheduled rider.
  • All riders are required to use seatbelts unless they have a doctor’s prescription not to wear them. The prescription must be presented at the time of pick up for each ride.
  •  Drivers are not generally able to take passengers requiring a wheelchair. Riders who need wheelchairs must be able to transfer themselves from the wheelchair to the car and we encourage an attendant to travel with the rider. Drivers are able to offer assistance into or out of buildings.
  • Minors must have an adult accompany them unless special arrangements have been made. Companions and/or children ride free of charge. Timber Trails Drivers do not furnish car seats and will not be responsible for seat belting children in.
  • Parents please make sure to pick up after children.
  • Drivers cannot care for children while waiting at appointments. Please don’t ask them to.
  • Drivers are not permitted to enter any rider’s home.
  • Eating, drinking or smoking is prohibited in the Driver’s vehicle.
  • Riders will be required to sign and date a trip sheet that acknowledges that they received a ride. The disclaimer on the trip sheet reads:
    • I/we declare under penalties of perjury that I/we are making the within claim; that I/we have examined said claim and that the same is just and true. That the money/service therein charges was actually paid/performed for the purpose therein stated; that the services charged are official and are such as are allowed by law; and no part of said claim has been paid.
  • Rides may be randomly screened to prevent fraudulent activity.
  • I/we understand that the driver is volunteering his/her time and is using a personal vehicle to provide this ride.
  • In case of severe weather, individual drivers make the determination about whether a ride will go or not.
  • Timber Trails and the drivers reserve the right to refuse service to anyone whom they feel may endanger public or driver safety.
  •  Timber Trails has a “No-Show” policy that could mean temporary loss of riding privileges for repeatedly requesting rides and not going or cancelling late (at least 1 hour ahead of pick up time).
  • If you must cancel a ride, call our offices as soon as possible. A cancellation that comes in too late will be charged to your provider as a no-show. No-shows may adversely affect your ability to get future rides. Voicemail is available at all times.

Paying for access Transportation Rides

Paying with Insurance:

If you have Medical Assistance you may be eligible for transportation at no charge to you. If you have Medical Assistance through the State of Minnesota, please let the dispatchers know so they can confirm eligibility.  If you have Managed Care please contact the Provider Services number on your Member Card.